Tuesday 9 April 2013

a man stabd by his uncle wife because he was chatting with a lady neighbour

My elder brother whom i have been living with and who is my sole provider got married to another woman around six months ago after his first wife past away living him with a three years old son. At first the new woman was the ideal wife bringing back the once gone happiness in the house, playing the loving and caring wife and a stepmother to my brother's son.

The first four months were perfect until she got what I think she wanted [A church wedding].

One month after the wedding was fine but after that she turned to a kung fu warrior and a beast.

She started maltreating my nephew and whenever I intervened she would tell my brother that i was being disrespectful and she started turning my brother against me.

Things turned crazier and she would sometimes beat me up but I never told my brother in fear of being thrown out of the house. I later started seeing marks on brothers face and frm there i knew that we were in danger and it was like my brother was bewitched. He never would listen to any negative talk about his wife.

I remember one day he came late and after beating him up she locked him out for the whole night. I tried to talk to my brother but he wouldn't talk about it, he even threatened to throw me out of the house if i continued interfering in his family Issues.

I chose to shut up.

Now she did it again and this time its much worse. She found him chatting with a lady neighbour and she stabbed him while he was asleep and pulled out his intestines.

Now my brother is fighting for his life in a hospital and and am fearing we might loose him.

Please guys help me pray for my brother, Can't bear to loose him cos he is all i have and no where to go.

If I May ask, Please if you're in my Shoe, What will you do?

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