Tuesday 23 April 2013

Former Nappy Roots Member R. Prophet Tased After Resisting Arrest

Former Nappy Roots Member R. Prophet Tased After Resisting Arrest
 last weekend, onetime Nappy Roots member R. Prophet was allegedly awaiting a ride home after a DUI stop, when he resisted warnings, a subsequent arrest and even attempted to kick out cop car windows.

R. Prophet was a part of Bowling Green, Kentucky Hip Hop collective Nappy Roots when the sextet scored a platinum and gold album in Watermelon, Chicken & Gritz and Wooden Leather, respectively. The Grammy-nominated emcee left the group in 2007 to pursue solo ventures.
Elizabethtown, Kentucky's WHAS11 News reports that R. Prophet was detained on Saturday (April 20) after resisting an arrest for disorderly conduct. Police reported that R, born Kenneth Anthony, was a passenger in a vehicle stopped by police after 2am local time. While the driver was reportedly apprehended into custody, R. was asked to wait for a ride. Reports indicate that Prophet walked into traffic, despite warnings. A police news report continues, "[Kenneth Anthony] became combative and refused to comply with their commands." Upon being stopped physically, the rapper reportedly had to be "taken to the ground."
Upon being placed in the police cruiser, R. Prophet reportedly kicked at seats and windows, allegedly injuring his foot. Police reported using tasers "multiple times" and pepper spray. After being admitted to the Hardin County Memorial Hospital, R. Prophet is believed to be at Hardin County Detention Center..
wtdf............if u got anytin to say about this place ur comment below

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