Friday 10 May 2013

How To: Make People Think You’re A Bigger

Get a fake assistant: I mean, who really knows if “your name + asst” actually goes to your assistant or to you? Have “your assistant” schedule with their assistant. Or, even better than Gmail, snag your own domain name and redirect your mail through that account.

Make GoDaddy your friend: Okay seriously — get your domain. Or a variation of your name if that’s not available. It’s usually around $10-$20 per domain (assuming your name isn’t Madonna) and about $10 for 5 email addresses. That’s plenty for you and your “assistant”

Grasshopper: We love this service because it makes any roaming cell phone look like it’s connected to a big fancy phone system. For around $10 per month, you can link multiple cell phones to the same “landline,” which is easily managed online.

FedEx for business cards: Now that you have your domain name and fancy phone line, spring for business cards. It’s easy to do with the plug-and-chug biz card creator on FedEx’s website. Spring for the slightly more expensive premium paper ones — after all, your “faking it ’til you make it” perception is so worth it.

Uber for car service: Once your “assistant” has set up your meetings and you’re armed with your business cards, get this easy, text-on-the-go car service to pick you up as you’re walking out. It’s about the same price as a cab and gives off a “big ass deal” vibe without more coin.

Meetings in hotel lobbies: Okay, so let’s be serious, you don’t have a real assistant or an office, but setting up meetings in high-end hotel lobbies is a great way to go for glam office space on the cheap. Get a carafe of coffee in the lounge and set up camp for meetings bootcamp — it’s classier than Starbucks.

                                                          Self publicize!
Whatever you do, you’re an expert at that. Get your name out there by pitching yourself through free PR sites like HARO and Muckrack, which allow journalists to post queries for the stories they are working on. Get a mention and a quote out there and have your “assistant” email it to the last meeting you had in the lobby of the Four Seasons and whamo! You become the bigger deal people perceived you to be all along!

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