Wednesday 12 June 2013

Jonathan Admits June 12 Changed Nigeria’s History

 June 12 Changed Nigeria’s History, Jonathan Admits

       President Goodluck Jonathan today  admitted that June 12, a day late Chief M.K.O Abiola won the nation’s freest and fairest election 20 years ago has changed the history of the country for good.
The election was annulled by former head of state, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida

Speaking shortly after inaugurating the chairman and members of the re-constituted Police Service Commission, Jonathan said June 12 was a unique day in the nation.
     The President said although the Federal Government has yet to recognise the day as public holiday, some state governments
      There has been calls from prominent Nigerians urging the Federal Government to recognize June 12 as the nation's democracy Day as against MAy 29th.

what about you? you admit?
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