Friday 21 June 2013

The Pledge is J. Nino’s Latest Single

   The Pledge
After having followed closely the upcoming record label and its activities, I have come to appreciate their work for the few months spent in the industry. The greatness of a person is said to be determined from its early stage.

A promising label that was formed by some youth coming together to move the music industry to a high levels as they say music in Ghana especially from the youth is given less recognition it demands. They therefore stand for the rights of the youth with outstanding music talents that are waiting to be heard.
Having released a few singles in the market which were warmly accepted by music lovers, AMG’s rap messiah J. Nino comes out with another dope track that will take the industry by surprise.  Living ones dream in life takes a lot to achieve.
The time comes when you need to be honest with yourself and take up bigger challenges than those you have ventured in your life this brings you to a point of making a pledge. A pledge which is a form of promise that solemnly binds you to do, give, or refrain from doing something. The single will be released on 28th June, 2013
The new single by J. Nino which is titled ‘The Pledge’ which does not come in the regular Ghanaian style but takes the hip hop way is one that everyone will over to play over and over again for its tight lyrics and punch lines.
This word of a great legend in the making who dedicates himself solely to music shows the great determination and urge to make a difference in the industry. I choose to call this a ‘mad’ talent. A short line from this single could determine what he stands for in music. ‘I promise on my honor to be faithful and just and give it my entire all till am covered with dust’.
Much has been said about this dope tune and I can’t afford to leave out the source of this ‘sick’ instrumental. A brief conversation with the management and I realize most of their great instrumentals are from no other than music producer, Rayne for Arizonal Music Group (AMG).

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